A- Attached or Single? -Single
B- Best Friend(s): Carissa, Kathryn, and lots of other wonderful ladies in my life!
C- Cake or Pie: hmm...I guess I learn towards cake, but I do love me some cookies!
D- Drink of Choice: That would definitely be coffee- right now that's a Coconut Mocha
E- Essential Item: I'm gonna have to agree with Ginger on this one, chapstick! I'm SERIOUSLY addicted....
F- Favorite Color: Oooo, I think it's still my two normal faves: robin's egg blue and red
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: sour worms for sure
H- Hometown: Borger, TX
I- Indulgence: SUGAR! I love dessert...all kinds, but especially with lots of sugar/butter and chocolate
J- January or February: I guess I'll go with January since that's when I was born
K- Kids: Sure!
L- Life, for me, is incomplete without: Jesus.
M- Marriage Date: Yes, please
N- Number of Siblings: 2 sisters
O- Oranges or Apples? Honeychrisp apples! But I also love tangerines...
P- Phobia/Fears: I have serious issues with june bugs/grasshoppers and with being in open water (everything in that water with me can see me AND move faster than I can....shiver)
Q- Favorite Quote: "God, give me the determination and tenacity of a weed."
R- Reasons to smile: God choosing to let me know He's involved in things, coffee, friends, naps, my puppies
S- Season: That's tough...I answer different each time the weather changes! So, right now it's Fall for sure...
T- Tag Ten:
Mom & Dad,
Lisa Allen, and I apparently need more blog friends that might do one of these!
U- Unknown fact about me: I have my motorcycle license, and wish I could afford a bike!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: I don't oppress my food, just eat it
W- Worst Habit: picking at stuff and sugar
X- X-rays or Ultrasounds: Ummm...I would go with Ultrasound, I've never had one!
Y- Your Favorite Foods: Coffee, Apple Betty, Cookies, Icing, Cake, Zucchini/Banana bread, Italian, Whole Grains, QUESO, Guacamole, Homemade salsa...
Z- Zodiac: Aquarius (but that doesn't mean anything in my book)