Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here Lately

I realized it's been a super long time since I blogged, sorry about that! I've been super busy and the times I've thought about it, I haven't really been in the mood. So, here goes!

-Mom bought me a couple of baking pumpkins when she was here last, so I have about 11 cups of pumpkin puree' in the freezer after roasting them. I've been doing a lot of baking with pumpkin, so if you want any good recipes, let me know!

-Kathryn (the youngest Watts sister) is moving into our house in Denton in about a month and starting at TWU, and I CAN'T WAIT!

-Texas Tech football is doing extremely well this season and I've been watching every game. I'll always be a loyal fan, but they're very easy to love this year!

-I made an indoor herb garden over a month ago and it's still alive! I may get to use fresh herbs all winter, but we'll see, I'm notorious for killing plants.

-I found/made a great recipe of peanut butter fudge, then covered it with chocolate. Bad idea. It's amazing and currently thwarting my eating healthy plan.

-I'm already compiling recipes for Thanksgiving and really ready to go home and have a break for a while!

-I've been very busy with Homegroup, Biblical Counseling class, Recovery, Sponsoring for Step Studies, etc. but luckily now my weekends are open, so life is manageable again.

-I need to start researching what to make for Christmas presents. My family decided that we'll all hand make presents this year instead of buying them...and I need to get after it.

That's about all I can think about for now, more later!


Yay! We had a giant tree branch fall down onto our carport and fence at the house a few months ago. It was barely leaning in the tree and very heavy. I cut the branches off at one point so that we could drive into the carport, but it fell further down. So, it was still stuck in there, but we really couldn't get it out. Looking at it, it was very close to falling and if it did, it would've fallen on the power lines. So, a couple of very sweet men from the Village heard about my tree issue and came over last Friday afternoon to take it down for me! I am still SO thankful that they were so very sweet. So, below are the pictures of the tree when it first fell and afterwards as they were taking it down. At the very bottom is a video of John Warren holding onto it when we finally cut it down. It's a miracle we didn't drop it on the powerline trying to take it down.