Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here Lately

I realized it's been a super long time since I blogged, sorry about that! I've been super busy and the times I've thought about it, I haven't really been in the mood. So, here goes!

-Mom bought me a couple of baking pumpkins when she was here last, so I have about 11 cups of pumpkin puree' in the freezer after roasting them. I've been doing a lot of baking with pumpkin, so if you want any good recipes, let me know!

-Kathryn (the youngest Watts sister) is moving into our house in Denton in about a month and starting at TWU, and I CAN'T WAIT!

-Texas Tech football is doing extremely well this season and I've been watching every game. I'll always be a loyal fan, but they're very easy to love this year!

-I made an indoor herb garden over a month ago and it's still alive! I may get to use fresh herbs all winter, but we'll see, I'm notorious for killing plants.

-I found/made a great recipe of peanut butter fudge, then covered it with chocolate. Bad idea. It's amazing and currently thwarting my eating healthy plan.

-I'm already compiling recipes for Thanksgiving and really ready to go home and have a break for a while!

-I've been very busy with Homegroup, Biblical Counseling class, Recovery, Sponsoring for Step Studies, etc. but luckily now my weekends are open, so life is manageable again.

-I need to start researching what to make for Christmas presents. My family decided that we'll all hand make presents this year instead of buying them...and I need to get after it.

That's about all I can think about for now, more later!