Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lady Bug Attack- Explaination

Ok, so the below video was hilarious and I thought I'd explain exactly how the demise of Carissa's lip went down...

Carissa bought some window frames to use to frame her paintings and she was walking around with them on her shoulder. Something flew into her face and she thought it was a bee, so she jumped and turned her head. By doing that, she whacked her mouth into the frames and busted her lip. Afterwards, I looked at her and this ladybug was sitting on her cheek, just hanging out! Oh man, once she got her lip to stop bleeding, it was hilarious!! So, we had to make a video about it, her lip was HUGE for days...too funny. Later that day she ended up with ladybugs on her at least 2 more times. Apparently she's a magnet for them.... who knew!

1 comment:

Lisa Allen said...

that makes much more sense. Thank you for clarifying that...I was dodging ladybugs for no reason. lol