Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, I'm at home in Borger this home last night around 11:30pm (NOT a fun drive). But, it's been great to see family!

To explain the videos below... Dad and I like to workout together when I come home and tend to compete a bit by showing each other the latest and greatest workout we've come by. So, first we did the workout video I do every other day and almost died, then Dad wanted me to try his workout.

Since interval workouts are so good aerobic-wise, Dad rides his exercise bike, on the highest tension (I could BARELY peddle standing up!), for as long as possible. Then you rest until your heart rate goes down and do it again! So, you do as many reps as possible until you want to die and it's an extremely effective way to get in shape fast!

My Dad was SO funny doing this, I took a video. And as payback, he videoed me...As you can see, it was a bit hard, but too funny. This is a glimpse into some of the antics that go on when I go home :)

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